Reveleris® X2-UV

Flexible flash purification system
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The Reveleris® X2-UV flash chromatography system enables fast and easy purification. The flexibility and ease of use cover the essential needs of organic chemists regardless of complexity of the sample.

Benefits :-
•  All parameter settings accessible on a single screen
•  Edit gradients in real time, using click and drag or table
•  Simple fraction collection due to automatic slope detection
•  Quickly modify run parameters on a large 12″ touch screen display
•  Easily switch between normal phase and reversed-phase applications
•  Purify complex samples from discovery through process R&D
•  Selectable detector sensitivity for various sample types and concentrations
•  Auto-recognition of cartridges and trays reduces set-up time, and the risk of potential errors
•  Monitoring of hazardous vapors in the workplace environment for highest possible user safety
•  Prevention of running out of solvent due to solvent level sensors

Features :-
•  RFID Technology
–  Automatic cartridge and rack identification
–  Less risk of errors
–  Short set-up times
–  Improve target purity and recovery
–  Reduce solvent waste/costs
–  Simplify method optimization
–  Shorten run times

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To make your order, please contact us at or call us at +6 06 3350 690

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