
PEI Body Reference Electrode


The HI5313 is a PEI body, refillable, single junction, half-cell reference electrode with a 4 mm banana connector. This electrode has a single ceramic junction in the outer reference cell and is made for use in temperatures ranging from -5 to 60°C. This design consideration is made for use with the FC301B fluoride half-cell ion selective electrode.

•  Durable PEI Body
•  Half-Cell Design
•  Gel Electrolyte

  The HI5313 uses a PEI body, single ceramic junction and stable gel electrolyte.
PEI Body
•  The body of the HI5313 is composed of polyetherimide (PEI) resin.
•  The PEI body is suitable for a wide range of applications and excels in field measurements due to its durability.
•  The shielding around the spherical glass tip minimizes breakage due to accidental bumping or dropping of the electrode.
•  The PEI plastic is a high quality plastic that is chemically resistant to many aggressive chemicals.

  Ceramic Junction
•  The outer junction of an electrode, also known as a salt bridge, is necessary component of the electrical circuit.
•  The movement of ions must flow through the junction for a steady reading.
•  The outer reference has a single ceramic frit.
•  The ceramic is a porous material that has a flow rate of 15-20 μL/hour. Other junction types are available with higher flow rates and made with different materials.

  4 mm Connector
•  The HI5313 uses a 4 mm banana connector.
•  This type of connector is easily plugged into the reference input on suitable meters.
•  Other type of connectors include BNC, DIN, screw type, T-type, and 3.5mm to name a few.
•  These types of connectors tend to be proprietary for a particular type of meter and are not interchangeable.


    Body Material                          :  PEI
    Reference                                :  single, Ag/AgCl
    Junction / Flow Rate               :  ceramic
    Electrolyte                               :  gel (KCl 1M + AgCl)
    Max Pressure                           :  0.1 bar
    Diameter                                 :  12 mm
    Body Length / Overall Length  :  120 mm / 163.5 mm
    Recommended Operating

Temperature                            :


-5 to 60°C (23 to 140°F)

    Cable                                      :  1 m (3.3′)
    Connection                             :  Banana
    Applications                            :  samples with suspended solids, titrations
    Warranty                                 :  6 months

Order now

To make your order, please contact us at  info@polyscientific.com.my or call us at +6 06 3350 690

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