FibreBag technology for determining the crude fibre, ADF, NDF and ADL content in feedstuffs
FibreBag is an innovative filtration method from C. Gerhardt for determining the crude fibre, ADF, NDF and ADL fractions in feedstuffs.It avoids common problems in the classic filtration method using frits and filter beds, simplifies handling and digestion of the samples and ensures better and more reliable analysis results. In the FibreBag method, digestion and filtration are carried out in a large filter bag made of a high-precision special textile that standardises the filtration conditions so that they are reproducible.
• Reduced chemical and energy consumption thanks to simultaneous processing of 12 samples.
• The device’s small footprint frees up space in the lab.
• Standardised and automated analysis conditions enable precise results that can be reproduced at any time.
• The high-precision textile and the large surface area of the FibreBags provide the ideal digestion and filtration conditions.
• The trouble-free, virtually ash-free incineration of the FibreBag means that you work with low blank values.
• High quality components and comprehensive safety functions ensure trouble-free operation and make it possible to run the device without monitoring it.
• The process takes place in a self-contained cycle. No extractor is necessary.
• The upper part of the digestion vessel is made of glass, making it possible to carry out a visual check of the process at any time.
The lower part is made of stainless steel and ensures safe handling of the simmering digestion solution.
• Users have no direct contact with chemicals; this improves work safety in the lab.
• Reduced time per analysis thanks to complete automation of the highly time-consuming digestion and filtrtion processes.
• Reduced process times thanks to short heating times and quick filtration.